The Last Morning of the WYF-2024: Thousands of Participants Sang the Russian Anthem in One Voice, and 15 Young People Got the Opportunity to Become Experts of Rosatom's Arctic Expedition
On March 6, Russian singer Yaroslav Dronov, known under the creative pseudonym Shaman, performed as part of the daily morning show at the Soul of Russia Square.
Russian and foreign participants of the World Youth Festival together performed the main hits, including the composition "I am Russian". Even the foreign participants were let down by the chorus of the famous song.
At the end of the show Shaman sang the anthem of Russia — together with him it was sung by thousands of Festival participants from Russia and abroad. Many children could not hold back tears from this exciting moment and gratitude to Russia for the Festival, which they will never forget. During the performance, young people wearing the colors of the Russian tricolor came on stage as a sign that the future of the country and the world is in the hands of the youth.
"I feel I am in my place, performing my songs in front of such a multicultural audience that came from 188 countries. The music being played at the Festival today is completely different. As we know, music is a voice that is understood by everyone regardless of language and nationality, country and profession," Shaman shared.
Also the morning show announced the names of 15 experts who will take part in the expedition to the North Pole on Rosatom's nuclear-powered icebreaker. They were presented certificates by Ivan Kurbatov and Alexander Skryabin, captains of the nuclear-powered icebreakers Ural and Arktika.
"We faced a difficult task to select only 14 experts who will become mentors within the youth scientific expedition to the North Pole on Rosatom's nuclear-powered icebreaker. The selection of the best candidates was done as objectively as possible. I am sure that in addition to new knowledge and enrichment of ideas, the finalists will take part in a wonderful expedition to one of the most exotic corners of our planet," said Alexey Likhachev, Chairman of the Jury, Director General of Rosatom State Corporation.
Another participant was chosen during the morning show. Representatives of eight countries, including Uzbekistan, Cameroon, Bangladesh, Tunisia, Belarus and Russia, will embark on the expedition.
"I am ready to investigate individual human adaptation to the Arctic environment during Rosatom's Arctic expedition. Daily collection of data on diet, physical activity, body mass index will help to highlight staff safety and well-being criteria. The expedition is led by humans, so we need to study their health in the harsh conditions of the Far North. I'd love to lead morning training sessions for expedition participants!" — said Rand Othman, a radiologist and Festival participant from Iraq.
WYF-2024 participant from Uzbekistan, Shakhzoda Khairulla kizi Yokubova, a student of the Tashkent branch of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, also told about what she will study during the expedition.
"I have dreamed of seeing the Arctic with my own eyes, and today my dream has come true! During the expedition, I want to explore cosmic rays as I approach the North Pole. And after that — to hold a series of seminars and together with members of the club of young scientists to continue research in this direction," she said.
The selection of experts among the WYF-2024 delegates has been held since 28 February, when more than two thousand applications from young people from Russia and abroad were submitted. The candidates proposed creative and innovative solutions for the expedition program, participated in intellectual games, presented themselves and their ideas to promote the project in their cities and countries.
The World Youth Festival will take place in 2024 according to the Decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin on the development of international youth cooperation.
The Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh) is the organizer of the World Youth Festival, with the Directorate of the World Youth Festival serving as the operator for WYF-2024.