Over 20 National Committees of World Youth Festival Directorate Established in Foreign Countries
On July 8, as part of the III Congress of the International Council of the World Youth Festival Directories, a ceremony took place to sign cooperation agreements between the World Youth Festival Directorate and National Committees.
Representatives of more than 20 countries, including Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada, Belgium, South Korea, Thailand, Burkina Faso, Niger, Botswana, Guinea-Bissau, Zimbabwe, Kazakhstan, Nigeria, Seychelles, Slovenia, Myanmar, Turkmenistan, Syria, Vietnam, the Central African Republic, and South Africa, signed the cooperation agreements. National Committees have been established in these countries and are actively participating in international events hosted in Russia. A cooperation agreement was also signed with the Pan-African Youth Union, which also established the National Committee of the World Youth Festival Directorate.
Daniil Bisslinger, Advisor on International Affairs to the Head of Rosmolodezh and Director General of the World Youth Festival Directorate, noted that the signed agreements provide a new impetus for fruitful cooperation aimed at achieving common goals of strengthening international cooperation, fostering youth dialogue, and implementing joint projects.
“The signing of agreements between our organizations symbolizes not only mutual responsibility but also readiness for further collaboration. We have created a real international network that brings together people from all over the world. Now, 117 National Committees in 133 countries actively contribute to the development of the youth community. Youth from our countries will be able to jointly develop and implement projects in such areas as science and technology, education and enlightenment, tourism and ecology, sports and media, and many others”, said Daniil Bisslinger.
On the same day, Congress participants presented the best regional practices in international youth cooperation. The achievements of their countries in this area were shared by Mohd Izzat Afifi, Chairman of the Youth Council of Malaysia, Wiisichong Bening Ahmed, Secretary General of the Pan-African Youth Union, Daniel Hugo Santos, Manager of the Filipino-Russian Business Assembly, Professor Urwa Tariq, Head of the National Committee of the UAE, and Juan Antonio Carmona Garcia, Head of the National Committee of Mexico and Founder of the analytical center of the United Cooperation Agency Glocal. Representatives of major Russian youth organizations, such as the Russian Student Brigades, the Russian Union of Youth, the Dobro.rf Association, and Volunteers of Victory, also presented practices on unlocking youth potential.
During the closing ceremony, participants were presented with credentials that solidified multilateral youth cooperation between the countries.
The Congress of the International Council of the World Youth Festival Directorate was held in Moscow on July 6–9. It brought together heads of National Committees, international ambassadors of the WYF-2024, and leaders of youth and children’s organizations from more than 100 countries around the world.
The World Youth Festival took place on March 1–7, 2024 in Sirius, according to the Decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin on the development of international youth cooperation. The WYF-2024 brought together 20,000 young leaders from 190 countries.
In the future, the World Youth Festival will become a platform for the development of a permanent international youth movement aimed at creating a just multipolar world. On the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation, the WYF will be held in Russia on a regular basis – once in six years. Also, every six years 10,000 young people from all over the world will get together at the International Youth Festival, and international themed gatherings and events will be held under the auspices of the WYF.
The World Youth Festival is organized by the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh). The WYF-2024 was operated by the World Youth Festival Directorate.